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Welcome to my blog where fraud, lies and corruption are uncovered wherever they hide. Government, non-profits, media and corporations have many secrets and this is where they are exposed. This is where people go for the truth. There is a real need for more watchdog groups. Check out the Resources & Links page for links to find your federal reps, government agencies and other websites packed with important information. The About page has links to some of the testimony and interviews I've given over the years. It's not all bad news I do highlight people and organizations that genuinely contribute to the greater good and deserve recognition.

Staci-lee Sherwood
Nov 19, 20215 min read
For shorebirds like the Least Terns rooftop nesting is a survival necessity
By Staci-lee Sherwood These days being an endangered species no longer has the same cache or carries the same legal protection it used to....
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Nov 6, 20214 min read
Let It Be: Leave The Wildflowers Alone
By Staci-lee Sherwood Few things signal the arrival of spring more than wildflowers. Meadows of blooming flowers that offer a rainbow of...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Nov 5, 202110 min read
Grazed to death : How the Livestock Grazing program on public lands cause dead zones & extinctions
By Staci-lee Sherwood For most Americans getting dinner means going shopping at the market or calling in a takeout order. Few have any...
778 views6 comments

Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 30, 20215 min read
Ghosts of the grassland : why decision makers ignore the massive damage done by grazing cows
By Staci-lee Sherwood What is a ghost? To most people a ghost is something they can sense can feel they know is there but can’t...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 28, 20216 min read
Planes, Trains, Automobiles.....and monkeys ?
By Staci-lee Sherwood When Americans think of monkeys they envision a jungle similar to what they’ve seen in National Geographic. They...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 22, 20215 min read
Why are Mountain Goats considered native in one park but not in another right next door ?
Photo of Mountain Goat and her kid @ Yellowstone NP (NPS) By Staci-lee Sherwood Last year marked a turning point for the Grand Teton...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 11, 20215 min read
Grand Canyon park officials angered as public learns of Bison trophy hunts inside park
By Staci-lee Sherwood Shortly after posting my article about the decision to allow outside hunters into the Grand Canyon National Park...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 10, 20219 min read
Are native Americans better stewards of the land ?
Keep America Beautiful advertisement by the Ad Council, Original Credit: (HANDOUT) By Staci-lee Sherwood If Haaland, who is a member of...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 8, 20216 min read
You can criticize Secretary Haaland & still be ‘woke’ and if you care about wildlife you need to
By Staci-lee Sherwood Bad policy is bad policy regardless of skin color. The fact that during her Senate confirmation hearing it was...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 7, 20214 min read
Monitoring a Bald Eagle nest: The benefits of citizen scientist conservation
By Staci-lee Sherwood When most people hear the word scientist they have a certain image. They envision a professional with years of...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 3, 20215 min read
National Park Service makes history with first hunt of Bison on park soil
By Staci-lee Sherwood Unimaginable unfathomable unconscionable. These are the words that should come to mind when one hears that the...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 27, 202110 min read
Inside the Big Cat trade : Tiger cub petting, Lion meat and ‘The Conservation Game’
By Staci-lee Sherwood Please don’t pet me Who doesn’t love baby animals. Go on any social media site and you’ll see time and again some...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 22, 20216 min read
The new toxic male : inside the minds of the Incel movement
By Staci-lee Sherwood Over the past couple of years we’ve heard a lot about toxic masculinity. Thanks in part to the outlandish behavior...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 20, 20218 min read
The Wild Horse Roundups
Inside America’s most rogue federal agency the Bureau of Land Management Photo credit: Wild Horse Education of the Antelope...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 9, 20215 min read
EXPOSED : Interior Sec Deb Haaland increases wolf killing, deadly wild horse roundups and hunting
By Staci-lee Sherwood Over the past four years there had been an epidemic of laws repealed by the Trump administration that were designed...
1,489 views8 comments

Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 1, 20215 min read
The Cooper’s Hawk that was a single mom - extraordinary tale of how she raised 3 chicks on her own
By Staci-lee Sherwood Under normal circumstances hawks raise their young as a bonded pair. The amount of time and energy it takes to...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Aug 27, 20214 min read
Living in the age of the selfie
Photo by Cristina Zaragoza on Unsplash By Staci-lee Sherwood It wasn’t that long ago that people had to actually wait several hours,...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Aug 17, 20214 min read
Is the investigative journalist a thing of the past ?
By Staci-lee Sherwood For many people who came of age watching the evening news and reading the morning newspaper it sure feels like they...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Aug 14, 20214 min read
How I got to play midwife to a Leatherback Sea Turtle
y Staci-lee Sherwood Back on May 31, 2012 I had one of those magical mornings. First was the most beautiful sunrise that looked like the...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Aug 6, 20216 min read
Florida’s latest assault on sea turtles and why the global community should be concerned
July 19, 2021 Introduced by Jeff Goodman In this time of dramatic climate change, habitat destruction, over fishing and species loss...
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