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Writer's pictureStaci-lee Sherwood

Did wild horse ‘advocate’ groups sign letter to Biden giving BLM excuse for roundups?

Updated: Nov 5, 2022

By Staci-lee Sherwood

Did they really not read or understand what they were signing?

A letter sent to President Biden on May 23, 2021. This contains damaging language that should never be inserted in a letter about wild horse management. Perhaps this is why all the links to the letter are no longer accessible to the inquiring public. The letter has an amazing 1200 groups and individuals sign on so why has it been removed from public access?

Marty Irby wrote the dreadful letter that Scott Beckstead then sent around and encouraged everyone to sign. Beckstead came from HSUS, along with Marty Irby. HSUS along with ASPCA and Return to Freedom crafted the killing ‘Path Forward’. After leaving HSUS Beckstead, Irby and Wayne Pacelle went on to form at least 3 almost identical non-profits and a for profit corporation. Pacelle is listed as president of all three while Beckstead runs the Center for Humane Economy and Irby runs Animal Wellness Action. Irby has a long history of abusing horses and working for ranchers, he currently sits as a board of director for a lobby firm for ranchers. Read all about his real history here

All those who signed this travesty have blood on their hands. It’s no wonder this letter is offline away from public view. Those who signed it now pretend to have amnesia for fear of looking stupid or corrupt for signing it in the first place. It really comes down to money, the groups don’t want to lose donations and the photographers don’t want to lose business.

As reported on both the Save the Onaqui website and Global Newswire they refer to the Biden letter with the following ‘The letter suggests the BLM should only engage in roundups when emergency conditions pose threats to the health and safety of wild horses and burros; or where wild equids threaten endangered or vulnerable wildlife species. ‘

Save the Onaqui website.

Despite the Biden letter being referred to on several sites, every link to it is broken. This is what you get when you tap the ‘click here to read the letter’ link.

Nothing ever really disappears does it? Here is the letter in question with all the offending language. As you read it ask yourself:

Did they not read the letter thoroughly?

Did they not understand the implications of the letter?

Did they not care what they were signing?

This is all the BLM and Forest Service needed and have used these excuses while ramping up both the number of roundups, the number of horses and burros removed, even moving up the date of roundups. Why ask for a moratorium and then supply several excuses to bypass it? At least 2 long time wild horse advocates sent a warning email requesting this damaging language be removed. Their understanding of how this only helps the BLM narrative were cast aside by those who supported the letter. If the lawyers employed by all these non-profits failed to understand the implications they need to find a job that doesn’t involve wildlife as they do more harm by their ignorance, arrogance and laziness. Now we see why both letters have been removed from public access.

Unless Beckstead or Irby release the Biden letter listing the signers we can only speculate who they are. We know it includes most if not all groups and photographers who call themselves advocates.

Not such great advocates after all

The 4 best known non-profits involved with wild horses are the ASPCA, Humane Society US (HSUS), Return to Freedom and American Wild Horse Campaign. Collectively these 4 have more than $600,000,000 according to their 990 tax returns for 2020. They could easily buy all the wild horses left both on and off range, tens of thousands of acres of land and have a sanctuary. They have the money to save all the wild horses, and burros, but have not and will not spend it. Instead they send out weekly alerts begging for cash with the same cry of ‘if only we had more money to save them’ theme.

We know they have more than enough money but they choose to not help when it comes down to it. Instead these four groups push the lie of PZP stopping, or is it slowing down, the roundups. Despite their propaganda spin the horses have more roundups to contend with and they are worse off than just 4 years ago.

A letter is just words on paper no matter how strong it’s one of the least effective ways to get your point across. If all these groups were really trying to save our wild horses why didn’t they file a collective lawsuit? With all the lawyers they have it begs the question why wasn’t real action taken if they were that concerned? Wild horse non-profits, of which there are so many it’s impossible to keep track, have failed for 20 years to save, stop or even slow down the roundups. One must wonder the true intention of giving a pass to the BLM?

Wild horses pay the price of misguided non-profits

Remember how the letter had language allowing for roundups if it were deemed an emergency due to starving sickly horses? Well here it is almost verbatim from the BLM. A roundup that was scheduled to take place in September has been moved up, during foaling season, because the BLM is ‘saying the horses are not in good condition, and neither are the resources of the range.

Recent photos taken of the horses and the range show a different picture. The horses look healthy and the range appears doing fine. The tall grass is called Basin Wildrye and has the highest crude protein of any grass in the spring. According to the Department of Agriculture “Basin Wildrye is palatable to all classes of livestock and wildlife. It is a preferred feed for horses in spring and is considered a desirable feed for cattle.” Perhaps the real reason to remove the horses is ranchers prefer this for their private cattle they pay less than $2/month to feed on public land for.

Photos of healthy horses in Piceance Basin 6.15.22 the same day the article came out about their ‘poor’ condition. Photo by Scott Wilson AXE photography

While not every part of the Piceance Basin might look this lush it’s clear the BLM cherry picks the worst part of the basin to justify their moving up the roundup. The truth, showing alleged parts of the basin looking barren, is probably more in line with over grazing from cattle who pull up the vegetation by the roots leaving behind a dusty trail. Wild horses are designed to live in balance with their native ecosystem and regenerate as they lightly graze the land.

Remember how the letter said wild horses can be removed if they threaten an endangered species? Well the Forest Service helped themselves to the excuse the ‘wild horse advocacy’ groups provided instead of having to dream up one of their own. With friends like these the horses don’t need any more enemies.

Wild horses have been in North America and what is now the United States for thousands of years. All types of mice, frogs, toads and birds have coexisted alongside wild horses long before humans recorded history. Where is the unbiased peer reviewed scientific evidence that horses are causing the demise of any species? More likely the Sage Grouse population is crashing due to the US Fish & Wildlife allowing the hunting of them on what is probably degraded land due to livestock grazing and oil drilling. Perhaps the Forest Service and Fish & Wildlife should get together and get their stories straight. Once again this does not pass the smell test or a scientific one.

Let’s not forget this same Forest Service started 2 unnecessary prescribed fires which got out of control, as the usually do, and merged together. This caused the largest wildfire in New Mexico history spanning more than 132,000 acres and is 40 miles long. Hundreds of homes destroyed and cost to taxpayers is more than $130,000,000. This is all due to their gross incompetence and negligence. They did not need any help in destroying our wild horses.

Before you give away your hard earned money make sure you research what the group has actually done. Have they won lawsuits, filed petitions, spent a good portion of donations on programs you agree with and who their board members are. A little time spent doing your homework will save you from wasting money on frauds. This will give you a better understanding of who and what these groups are truly advocating for….

Bottom line this letter effectively gave the BLM and FS a pass. Whether intentional or just an unbelievably stupid oversight it cannot be undone. The non-profits will continue to beg for donations and keep their jobs. The photographers will continue to sell photos of wild horses no longer wild or alive. It’s the horses and burros they ultimately pay the price with their freedom and life.

UPDATE HERE IS THE LETTER & all the signers

THIS is why you must read and understand anything you put your name to. This is why you must research who you trust and work with. The BLM didn't need any more help. Interesting who did not sign like HSUS, Return to freedom, ASPCA and American Wild Horse Campaign, perhaps they felt they had done enough damage. While there are many names on here I recognize and many people I respect and like they did a bad thing. Regardless of whether it was deliberate or by accident this letter as written should never have gone out.

I'm sure there will be many with buyers regret in this life lesson. The main reason language like this should not have been added is because you don't negotiate by offering a concession up front. You can't ask for a moratorium then give reasons to by pass that. While the BLM has used emergency and drought as justifications in the past this legitimizes it.

Oddly enough a good letter was sent to Haaland so why wasn't that letter the one sent to Biden? Perhaps that is an even bigger question than why did so many good people sign a bad letter. Marty Irby signed the Haaland letter (3 times) which was sent out April 9, 2021 so he knew the language used was fine. His letter had the BLM giveaway.

Let's hope all those who signed this will work to rectify their mistake and never ever make this same mistake again. Our wildlife cannot afford this...

*American Equine Awareness

* American Horse Protection Society

* American Mustang and Burro Alliance

* American Warrior Mustangs

* American Wild Horse and Burro Heritage,

* Andean Tapir Fund

* Andromeda Pictures

* Angel Paws

* Animal Care Unlimited

* Animal Wellness Action

* Animal Wellness Foundation

* Barbara Steinberg Maui Watercolor Studio

* Barefoot Horse Rescue

* Bayview Farm

* Belinda Greb Photography

* Bikini Beach Cat Rescue

* Broken Arrow Equine Rescue

* Boots and Cats LLC

* Carriage Horse Freedom

* Center for Humane Economy

*Chamberlain Originals

* The Cloud Foundation

* Coalition for Livestock Guardian Dogs

* Coastal Arabians & Equine Rescue Inc.

* Coloradans Against Horse Slaughter

* Devil's Garden Wild Horse Emergency Rescue

* DSL Animal Advocacy

* Engler Canyon Ranch

* Danehy Photography

* Epona's Path

* Equine Advocacy and Rescue News

* Equine Advocates

* Equine Collaborative International, Inc.

* Friends of Animals

* For Wild Horses

* Foster Brothers Mustangs

* Fund for Horses

* Grassroots Wild Horse and Burro Coalition * Grazing Reform Project

* Hanaeleh

* Helping Our Mini Equines

* Heverly Medical Inc.

* High Noon Horse Farm

* Horses for Life Foundation

* How to Help Animal Advocacy

* Human Animal Resource Team, Inc.

* Infinity Equine Therapy

* In Defense of Animals

* John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute

* Kimerlee Curyl Fine Art

* Kruse Control Inc.

* Leauge of Humane Voters

* Manes and Tails Organization

* Mothers Against Sport Hunting

* National Treasure Wild Horse Rescue

* NY Paws

* On and Off Range Welfare

* PawPAC

* Paws Across America Advocacy

* Pegasus Equine Guardian Association

* Preserving American Wildlife

* Protecting America's Wild Horses

* Protect the Onaqui Wild Horses

* Red Birds Trust

* Red Horse Running Equine Foundation

* Red Jeans Ink

* Roaring Fork Audubon Society

* Rocky Mountain Mustang Sanctuary

* Salvation Wild Mustang Sanctuary Corp.

* Save American Wild Horses

* Save Our Wild Horses

* Second Chance Rescue Transport

* The SKIBO Revolicable Trust

* Skydog Sanctuary

* Spirit of the Wild Horse Foundation

* Stop Wild Horse Roundups Coalition

* Southlane Veterinary Hospital

* Sowelu Farm Sanctuary

* St. Hugh of Lincoln Episcopal Church

* Tuesday's Horse

* Unite for America's Horses

* Voices Carry for Animals

* W D Ranch

* The Wild Beauty Foundation,

* Wild Horse Freedom Federation

* Wild Horse Photography Collective

* Wild Horse Rescue, Inc.

* Wild Horses Carry Me Away

* Wild Horses Forever

* Wild Mustang Community

* Wild Mustangs Forever

* Wild West Icon Rescue

*Winterstone Pictures

May 27, 2021

President Joe Biden

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Washington, DC 20500 RE:


Dear President Biden:

When Congress passed the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act (WFRHBA) of 1971 fifty years ago, it made the following findings:

“Congress finds and declares that wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people; and that these horses and burros are fast disappearing from the American scene. It is the policy of Congress that wild free-roaming horses and burros shall be protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death; and to accomplish this they are to be considered in the area where presently found, as an integral part of the natural system of the public lands.”

Ignoring its statutory mandate and the wishes of the vast majority of the American people, the Bureau of Land Management has embarked on a campaign to use helicopter roundups to gather and remove thousands of our wild horses and burros from public lands. In doing so, the agency is acceding to the wishes of private livestock producers and resource extraction industries, who have made clear they want all the wild horses and burros gone forever from federal public lands.

For its part, the U.S. Forest Service, operating under the Department of Agriculture, has taken a similarly untenable approach to wild herds on Wild Horse Territories (WHTs) managed by the USFS. We write to you now to ask for an immediate moratorium by executive order on further non-emergency gathers and removals of wild horses and burros until the BLM conducts a comprehensive review of its wild horse and burro program and the impacts of private livestock grazing.

The BLM could seek an exception to the moratorium in the event of emergency conditions that pose an imminent, compelling, and verifiable threat to the health and safety of wild horses and burros; or where wild equids pose an immediate threat to species listed under the Endangered Species Act, or species that are vulnerable and worthy of listing under the ESA. We also seek an executive order permanently barring the agency from conducting any permanent sterilization procedures on wild equids. These same measures should also be undertaken by the USFS with respect to wild herds managed on our national forest lands.

We believe the BLM has largely abandoned its statutory mandate to manage these cherished national icons in a manner that is humane and balanced. Instead, the BLM continues to weave a false narrative that blames roughly 100,000 wild horses and burros for degrading public rangelands, ignoring the cumulative impacts of millions of privately owned cattle and sheep. For these reasons, a coalition of over 70 advocacy groups dedicated to public lands management, wilderness conservation, and the humane treatment of animals, as well as over 60 private individuals, have recently issued a letter to Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland urging her, among other things, to eliminate livestock grazing on all Herd Management Areas established for wild horses and burros and order a study on the ecological impacts of livestock grazing to serve as the basis for restoration of grazing on HMAs (or, for the USFS, WHTs).

* We have been grateful for your efforts as a United States senator to protect American equines from the cruel and predatory horse slaughter industry, and we know you harbor compassion for all animals. Please consider issuing an executive order establishing a moratorium on roundups until the government agencies charged with the humane management of our wild horses and burros fix their programs and bring them into alignment with the original intent behind the mandates of the WFRHBA.

Thank you for considering our request, and for your service to the American people.

Sincerely yours,

Marty Irby

Animal Wellness Action

Animal Wellness Foundation

American Horse Protection Society Washington, DC


Donna Brorein American Equine Awareness Equine Advocacy and Rescue News Unite for America's Horses Ball Ground, GA

Jen Howe American Mustang and Burro Alliance Torrey, UT

Julia Ferri American Warrior Mustangs Dayton, TX

Kim Sheppard American Wild Horse and Burro Heritage,

On and Off Range Welfare Peculiar, MO

Craig C. Downer Andean Tapir Fund Minden, NV

Cameron Ring Andromeda Pictures Radford, VA

Kelly Fassano Angel Paws Phila, PA

Janice Breaux Animal Care Unlimited Lacombe, LA

Barbara Steinberg Barbara Steinberg Maui Watercolor Studio Kihei, HI

Joyce Smith Barefoot Horse Rescue Mt. Pleasant, UT

Erin Miller Bayview Farm Emmett, ID

Belinda Greb Belinda Greb Photography Eugene, OR

Karen McGranahan Bikini Beach Cat Rescue Santa Ynez, CA

Susan Peirce Broken Arrow Equine Rescue Cool, CA

Shawna Clausen Boots and Cats LLC Seattle, WA

Janet White Carriage Horse Freedom Malvern, PA

Scott Beckstead Center for Humane Economy Bethesda, MD

Nik Chamberlain Chamberlain Originals Bismarck, AR

Dana Zarrello The Cloud Foundation Colorado Springs, CO

Tina Overgaard Coalition for Livestock Guardian Dogs Park City, UT

Corri Stamper Coastal Arabians & Equine Rescue Inc. Lockeford, CA

Barbara Sunblade Coloradans Against Horse Slaughter Parker, CO

Jo Danehy Danehy Photography Chico, CA

Bonnie Kohleriter Devil's Garden Wild Horse Emergency Rescue Alamo, CA

Dona LaShiava DSL Animal Advocacy Green Valley, AZ

Holly Myers Engler Canyon Ranch Trinchera, CO

Rita Reik Epona's Path Fort Meade, FL

Susan Wagner Equine Advocates Chatham, NY

Barbara Moore Equine Collaborative International, Inc. Colden, NY

Priscilla Feral Friends of Animals Darien, CT

Victoria L. Bieber For Wild Horses Manhattan, KS

Carrie Foster Foster Brothers Mustangs Belton, TX

Vivian Farrell Fund for Horses Louisville, KY

Mandy Dickinson Grassroots Wild Horse and Burro Coalition Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Felice Pace Grazing Reform Project Klamath CA

Dr. Elizabeth Zarkos Hanaeleh Trabuco Canyon, CA

Sarah J. Sanford Helping Our Mini Equines Kirkland, WA

Debra Heverly MD FACEP Heverly Medical Inc. Helotes, TX

Lyn McCormick High Noon Horse Farm Sunbeam, CO

Allondra Stevens Horses for Life Foundation Lafayette, CA

Carol Hartsock How to Help Animal Advocacy Hollidaysburg, PA

Hannah deSoto Human Animal Resource Team, Inc. Darien, GA

Elizabeth Pandolfelli Infinity Equine Therapy Blauvelt, NY

Ginger Fedak In Defense of Animals San Rafael, CA

Rachel Fazio John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute Big Bear City, CA

Kimerlee Curyl Kimerlee Curyl Fine Art Santa Ynez, CA

Kathi Kruse Kruse Control Inc. Newport Beach CA

Laura Ferejohn Leauge of Humane Voters Laguna Woods, CA

Ellen-Cathryn Nash Manes and Tails Organization Hoboken, NJ

Jean Pubilee Mothers Against Sport Hunting Flemington, NJ

Janelle Ghiorso National Treasure Wild Horse Rescue Sonora, CA

Lisa Angelo NY Paws Amsterdam, NY

René Rowland PawPAC Downey, CA

Jackie Perrigoue Paws Across America Advocacy Tulalip, WA

Amy Hanchey Pegasus Equine Guardian Association Lafayette, LA

Linda Greaves Preserving American Wildlife Great Falls, VA

Glorai Espinoza Protecting America's Wild Horses Halifax, MA

Tina Wooten Protect the Onaqui Wild Horses Phoenix, AZ

Jennifer Rogers Red Birds Trust Tooele, UT

Suzanne Robertson Red Horse Running Equine Foundation Chesapeake, VA

Michelle Staples Red Jeans Ink Buffalo, NY

Delia G. Malone Roaring Fork Audubon Society Redstone, CO

Jennifer Sands Rocky Mountain Mustang Sanctuary Boulder, CO

Mae Martini Salvation Wild Mustang Sanctuary Corp. Reddick, FL

Heather Hellyer Save Our Wild Horses Forest Grove, OR

Roger Harris Second Chance Rescue Transport Conway, NH

Paul Skibo The SKIBO Revolicable Trust Port Hope, MI

Clare Staples Skydog Sanctuary Prineville, OR

Judy Barnes Spirit of the Wild Horse Foundation Costilla, NM

Pamela Lynn True Stop Wild Horse Roundups Coalition Carbondale, CO

Rachael Jones, DVM Southlane Veterinary Hospital Valparaiso, IN

Skye Roth Sowelu Farm Sanctuary Tres Piedras, NM

Catherine Cappello St. Hugh of Lincoln Episcopal Church Silver Springs, NV

Claudia Bloom Tuesday's Horse Avoca Mesa, AZ

Debbie Dahmer Voices Carry for Animals Port St. Lucie, FL

Todd Shuman Wasteful Unreasonable Use Santa Clarita, CA

Darlene Baker W D Ranch McDermott, OH

Ashley Avis The Wild Beauty Foundation Winterstone Pictures Pacific Palisades, CA

R.T. Fitch Wild Horse Freedom Federation Pinehurst, TX

Peggy Kaszas Wild Horse Photography Collective Halifax, MA

Betty Davison Wild Horse Rescue, Inc. McDermott, Oh. 45652

Marty Wright Wild Horses Carry Me Away Dayton, NV

Diane Hammons-Meesk Wild Horses Forever Sierra Vista, AZ

Deborah Mason Wild Mustang Community Wellington, OH

Mary Hone Wild Mustangs Forever Benjamin, UT

Melody Lowry Wild West Icon Rescue, CO

*Individual Signatories: *

Andrew Hellyer, Forest Grove, OR

Valerie G. Henry, Park City, UT

Richard M. Karcich, Centennial, CO

Sharon Labreck, Happy Valley, OR

Mona Marshall, Nichols, SC

Ximena Escheverria, Mesa, AZ

M.W. Carnagey, Tulsa, OK

Gail Bell, Denver, CO

Kim Crumbo, Ogden, UT

Jennifer Best, Centennial, CO

Christine Williamson, Chicago, IL

Angela De Sapio, Frenchtown, NJ

Liz Walsh, El Paso, TX

John Spahr, Florence, OR

Pamela Corey, Jericho, NY

Cheryl Marshall, Blaine, WA

Donna Gasbarro, Appleton, WI

Laura Rose-Fortmueller, Ocoee, FL

Catherine Forsling, Casper, WY

Paula Sam, Fort Bidwell, CA

Debra Tracy, Center Barnstead, NH

Judith A. Haworth, Florence, OR

Debra Geerdes, Eureka, KS

Tinamarie Dixon, Cationsville, MD

Margaret & Tim Owen, Eugene, OR

Mary P. Bailey, Southington, OH

Victoria Foster, Martinsville, VA

Patti L. Gunderson, Pensacola, FL

Margaret Lewis, Novato, CA

Laura Christensen, Truckee, CA

Kristen Weisenbarger, Maitland, FL

Vicki DeVaux, Graham, WA

Suzette Schoenfeld, Appomattox, VA

Nedra Wilson, Vale, NC

Jan Garret, Summertown, TN

Claire S. Poulsen, Christiansted, VA

Diane M. Koenig, Crystal River, FL

Kae L. Ward, Fallon, NV

Lana Verplank, Surprise, AZ

Julie Herne, Schaumburg, IL

Kaye Killgore, Pendleton, OR

Tracy Baker, Cape Girardea, MO

Mary P. Bailey, Southington, OH

Jenny Fallaw, Elgin, SC

Beverly Nichols, Las Vegas, NV

Jamie Dos Santos, Hollywood, FL

Judith Lane, Rochester, MN

Mona Marshall, Nichols, SC

Danielle Engle, Apple Valley, MN

Janet L. Manes, Benton, AR

Anne-Marie Read, Shelton, WA

James R. Gomon, Shelton, WA

Ann Walsh, Flushing, NY

Jean M. Oakes, Rockland MA

Lana M. DeNoni, Kamloops, BC

Pauline St Denis, New York, NY

Christopher Lavarco, Brooklyn, NY

Donna Susan Friedman, Deerfield Beach, FL

Martha Wright, Dayton, NV

Joey Westhead, Golden, CO

Kathe Kloberdanz, Greeley, CO

Robyn Nickum, Pocatello, ID

Deb Barret, Clinton, PA

Beth Skotnicki, Lusby, MD

Jane Heltebrake, Perrysburg, OH

Donna Hopkins, Victorville, CA

Joyce Dannheim, Greenwood Lake, NY

Kathy Saulsberry, Hanover Park, IL

Joanna Gura, Naples, FL

Esther Curry, Thonotosassa, FL

Phyllis E. Olson, Roselle, IL

Teresa Fasolino, New York, NY

Michael-David Kerns, Harpers Ferry, WV

Denise Imhoff, Thousand Oaks, CA

Diane O’Brien, Halifax, MA

Kimberly Getchell, Stoughton, MA

Priscilla Waggoner, Alamosa, CO

Pauline St. Denis, New York, NY

Collen Morrison, Prospect Heights, IL

Pam Turick, Westport MA

Mark Turick, Adamsville, RI

Vonna Rose Harrison, Plainfield, IN

Linda Gushee, Franklon, NH

Tina Smith, Suffield, CT

Jane Marley, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Mary Metts, Clermont, FL

M. Susan Mayers, Fort Washington, PA

Sally Madigan, Meadow Vista, CA

Irene DelBono, Natick, MA

Martha Bonner, Concrete, WA

Stanley Hutchison, Rio Vista, TX

Lisa Miller-Hobbs, Dayton, NV

Sherri Fox, Marseilles, IL

Carrie Patrick, Santa Cruz, CA

Brooke Barbisan, Santa Barbara, CA

Bonnie Fowler, Illinois City, IL

Joan Wager, Berkeley, CA

Shelva Wood, Plano, TX

Jill Jackson, Stagecoach, NV

Janet Curtis, Reno, NV

Al Kandler, Lynnwood, WA

Karen Lane, Greenwood, IN

Annie Carkhuff, Belle Plaine, IA

Tomasita Medál, San Francisco, CA

Erin Cronley, North Tonawanda, NY

Nancy Beningo, Los Angeles, CA

Sharon Labreck, Boring, OR

Sharon McNeil, Billerica, MA

Laura B. Peterson, Washington, DC

Cinta Curtis, Garland TX

Mary Ruth J. Schuner, Waxhaw, NC

Janelle Eaenshaw, Tempe, AZ

Deanna LaBella, Newark, DE

Nancy LaPrise, Kingstown, RI

Doreen Bender, Dayton NV

Stephanie Zaccagnini, Greensburg, PA

Cynthia Minde, Apache Junction, AZ

Amelia Arcamone-Makinano, Elmhurst, NY

Hope Rose, Eugene, OR

Vickie Russell, Bend, OR

Sunny Pandolfelli, Blauvelt, NY

Alynn Dalton, Albuquerque, NM

Valerie Henry, Park City, UT

Becky Mitchell, Fairview, UT

Diana Willis, Hubert, NC

Bernel Kress, Wildwood, FL

Kathy Pabst, White City, OR

Jacqueline Schmidt, Coloma, MI

Kathleen Heron, Annapolis, MD

Rain Cortez, Eagle Point, OR

Judith Alexander, Croswell, MI

Tammy Sperry, San Tan Valley, AZ

Anna Brewer, Phoenix, AZ

Michelle Paxson, East Meadow, NY

Cheryl Fecteau, Rochester Hills, MI

Susan Dubovsky, East Tawas, MI

Anne Mazzone, Easton, CT

Melissa Leigh Warfield, Farmington, MN

Karen O’Donnell, Eureka Springs, AR

Deb McQueen, Garden City, KS

Liz King, Colorado Springs, CO

Kathy Harris, Boulder, CO

Victoria Vaske, Kokomo, IN

Jean Publiee, Flemington, NJ

Pati Tomsits, Irvine, CA Dee Redinius, Sheldon, IA

Nancy LaPrise, North Kingstown, RI

Duane Osland, Winnebago, MN

Martha Denniston, Chicora, PA

Shauna Muztafago, Salt Lake City, UT

Kate Kenner, Guilford, VT

Sharon Dillon, Ottsville, PA

Sherri Williams, Holly Hill, FL

Candace Whitfield, Fayetteville, AR

Robyn Nickum, Picatello, ID

Dominique Landis, Citrus Heights, CA

Graeme Cuffy, Valsayn, Trinidad and Tobago

Annette M. Ruzicka, Wahoo, NE

Jennifer Storm, Norwood, MA

Charity Balding, Spring Creek, NV

Charlene Collins, Big Pine, CA

Kim Kahl, Bend, OR

Debra Cassiero, Sonoma, CA

Linda Sanders, McLeansboro, IL

Carmelina D’Errico, Hilton, NY

Susan Knieriemen, Summerfield, FL

Joey Westhead, Golden, CO

Judi Radke, Boulder, CO

Linda Goiderham, Salem, OR

Daryl Smith, Salem, OR

Carol Galvin, Falling Waters, WV

Stephanie Lesicko, New Middletown, OH

Lois Eiler, Irving, TX

Kate Murphy-Haber, Longmeadow, MA

Lisa Suhr, Phoenix, AZ

Steve Shoemaker, Boulder City, NV

Cynthia Swanson, Bridgeton, NJ

Susa Olsen, Corte Madera, CA

Becca Forrest, Pensacola, FL

Marcie Perskin, Flushing, NY

Jan Kittrell, Tuscon, AZ

Etta S. Kittrell, Tuscon, AZ

Kim Ardenvik, Las Vegas, NV

Cynthia Fuscio, Pewaukee, WI

Linda Burns-Perrin, Chapin, SC

Jonathan Burkhalter, Chapin, SC

Nancy Yarosis, Benson, NC

Beverly Martisko, Pacheco, CA

Elaine Proffitt, Reno, NV

Jane Marley, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Gail Calhoun, Rogue River, OR

Connie Ashbaugh, Rio Rancho, NM

Sandra Chandler, Agoura Hills, CA

Sherri Dodson, Shingletown, CA

Susan Dubovsky, East Tawas, MI

Penelope Suess, Port Orford, OR

Anne Marie Matzko Donna Lewallen, Stillwater, NY

Catherine Hudson, Aledo TX

Jennifer Martinez, Sherman Oaks, CA

Christine Liff, Canton, MI

Peggy Wilkey, Sparks, NV

Merry Harsh, Silver City, NM

Wendy Andri, Pembroke, ME

Elizabeth Peterson, Nantucket, MA

Krystol Lamar, Normal, IL

Catalina Roller, Fresno, CA

Judy Lane, Rochester, MN

Diane Knudson, La Crosse, WI

Brian Robinson, Cumming, GA

Julie Busse, Poway, CA

Wendy Costello, Bellevue, WA

Katherine Thomas, Moncks Corner, SC

Nancy Meute, Panama City, FL

Allison New, Augusta, GA

Tammy C. Harris, Lakebay, WA

Barry Morgenstern, Torrey, UT

Virginia Nancy Drewes, Yorba Linda, CA

Wendy Peardot, Bloomington, MN

Catherine Hamilton, Washington Crossing, PA

Elizabeth Arrowood, Franklin, WI

Sylvia Holden, Woburn, MA

Sylvia Toste Rodgers, Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Barbara Ramirez, Bridgeport, MI

Terri Gilfillan, Sandy, UT

Anna Stach, Desert Hot Springs, CA

Diana Kolaski, Chicago, IL

Leanne Wolf-Webber, Eugene, OR

Coralee H. Hines, Houston, TX

Barbara Bryan, Fresno, CA

T. Hunter, Salt Lake City, UT

Leslie Hassett, Rochester, MN

Jan K. Hansen, Waldport, OR

Jeanette P. Lin, Seattle, WA

Fredrick A. Lent Jr., Yonkers, NY

Donna M. Smith, Taunton, MA

Anne Grice, Patterson Lakes, Victoria, Australia

Mona Marshall, Hickory, NC

Beverly Nichols, Las Vegas, NV

Ann Reilly, Wellington, FL

Kathy Neilson, Phoenix, AZ

Andy Monaco, Baker, NV

Gayle Delisio, Valparaiso, IN

Sandra Stone, Henderson, NV

Jennifer Stone, Round Mountain, NV

Jennifer Stone, Henderson, NV

Megan Delisio, Valparaiso, IN

Mike Laney, Laporte, IN

Jayce Laney, Valparaiso, IN

Cathy Weisbecker, Hampstead, NC

Sherry St. John, Monroe, IA

Lee Weisbecker, Wilmington, NC

Lisa Manifold, Gold Canyon, AZ

Karen Fedorov, Bealeton, VA

Danielle Philibotte, Hampton Falls, NH

Susan Kottwitz, Phillipsburg, MO

Jamie B. Bowman, Middleville, MI

Sally Ticehurst, Kent, UK

Leslie Louisell, Fennville, MI

Shirley Motyl, Galway, NY

Lindanne Gabiola, Wittmann, AZ

John Benson, Torrey UT

Sandra Walton, Elkland, MO

Tamara Voris, Barrington, IL

Jim Voris, Barrington, IL

Elizabeth M. Blanchard, Haywood, VA

Kathleen Heron, South Annapolis, MD

Betsy Stewart, Woburn, MA

Debbie Hoots, Golden Valley, AZ

Erin Chapman, Schuylkill Haven, PA

Jan Decker, Loraine, IL

Judith A. Baxter, Grand Rapids, MI

Richard Karcich, Centennial, CO

Peggy Waltz, Graniteville, SC

Suzanne Levy, Evergreen, CO

Rick Kline, Bicknell, UT

Laurie Kline, Bicknell, UT

Bennett Carey, Tehachapi, CA

Rebecca Falk, Garden Plains, KS

Mary Young, Manitou Springs, CO

B. Heil, Camarillo, CA

Joe M. Ferri, Dayton TX

Kathy Neilson, Phoenix, AZ

Mary Bisesi, Hustontown, PA

Leslie Louisell, Fennville, MI

Dianne Gobrick, Mesilla Park, NM

Lynda Ariaban, Great Falls, VA

Dana Landale, Teasdale, UT

Jessica Nolan-Bowers, Incline Village, NV

James Olson, Punta Gorda, FL

Gayle Walsh, Lyndon Station, WI

Wendy Peardot, Bloomington, MN

Linda Granato, Philadelphia, PA

Kisa Kavass, Franklin, TN

Michael Foster, Kennsaw, GA

Francine Hale, Milan, MI

Miok Song Bruining, Warwick, RI

Stephanie Davis, Whitney, TX

Thekla Wilson, Brighton, CO

Carolyn Spears Cooper, Crockett, TX

Shanti A. Guillozet Cori Robertson, San Dimas, CA

Helen Robertson, San Dimas, CA

Christy Danke, Evans, GA

Berta Hillman, Anderson, CA

Christa Zangari, Timmins, ON

Sherry St. John, Monroe, IA

Elizabeth Nester, Mineola, TX

Isabel Campbell, Gig Harbor, WA

Sue Rasmussen, Colorado Springs, CO

Linda LeBlanc, Kansis City, MO

Jeanette Ortiz, Sedona, AZ

Patrice Oberly, Womelsdorf, PA

Dee Kerr, Alpine, CA

Tricia McVeigh, Yorba Linda, CA

Deborah A. Richards, Santa Barbara, CA

Roberta A. Haas, Severance, CO

Tracey Yaun, Cumming GA

Audra Rouse, New Orleans, LA

Shawna O’Connor, Peoria, AZ

Vanessa L Behymer, Libertyville, IL

Mary Anne Loughlin, Canton, NC

Lisa Horn, Sonoma, CA

Mary Hoffman, Davie, FL

Karen L. O’Donnell, Eureka Springs, AR

Linda Rosellini-Burns, Bothell, WA

Alice Buck, Tuscon, AZ

Pamela Rhodes, Front Royal, VA

Brenda Love, Boulder, CO

Heather Brown, Berthoud, CO

Leslie Louisell, Fennville, MI

Robyn Jennings, Helena, CA

Lorn M Torrey-Palermo, Sweet Home, OR

Chris Posey, Fort Washington, PA

Linda Gooderham, Salem, OR

Kathy Sweig, Las Vegas, NV

Jo Germano, Las Vegas, NV

P.J. Kaszas, Halifax, MA

Charlotte Stamper, Lodi, CA

Terry Cover, Conyers, GA

Michelle Nickelson, Glendale, AZ

Barbara Czapla, Torrey, UT

Paula Glaser, Pico Rivera, CA

Rhonda Minica, Watauga, TX

Marty Wright, Dayton, NV

Roberta Dolezal, Gays Mills, WI

Bonnie Lou Johnson, Roanoke, VA

Linda Fox, Carlisle, OH

Janet Curtis, Reno, NV

Karen O’Donnell, Eureka Springs, AR

Jill Brown, Abraham, UT

Ellen Weisbecker, Wilmington, NC

Bridget Irons, Philadelphia, PA

Kirsten M. Blair, Naples, FL

Susan Higgins, Elwell, MI

Jill Farschman, Denver, CO

Betty Davis, Wenatchee, WA

Jerri Tedford, Early, TX

Yvette Tapp, Santa Fe, NM

Myra Heroth, Fort Plain, NY

Denise Fritz, Wenatchee, WA

Stephanie Devoe, Tenino, WA

Terrie Potter, Sun City, AZ

Lucy Kubash, St. Joseph, MI

Judy Zangari, Timmins, ON

Ruth Byrd, Warren, OH

J. Morin, Sanford, ME

Barbara Ramirez, Bridgeport, MI

Laura Drnek, Mastoc Beach, NY

Donna Deese, Denton, TX

Dorothy Freeman, Ogden, UT

Marlina J. Williams, Pataskala, OH

Sandy Goeke, Waukon, IA

Janelle McCormick, Green Valley, AZ

Shannon Guthrie, Milford, IA

Mary Kay Jans, Richmond Hill, GA

Terry Domin, Charlottesville, VA

Kathrine Jones, St. Corning, NY

Cheryl Norris, Pensacola, FL

Cathy Oppedisano, Woodbridge, ON

Katherine Adler, Winter Park, FL

Melinda Howard, Brooksville, FL

Janet Lynch, Pownal, ME

Lore Lelonde, Duncan, BC

Deb McBride, Squamish, BC

Claudette Dubois, Santa Fe, NM

Maria Gross-Postupack, New Tripoli, PA

Angeline Sieb, Merrillville, IN

Stephanie Zaccagnini, Greensburg, PA

Jane Marsh, Eugene, OR

Amanda Krafka, Phoenix, AZ

Gayle Manfre, Sonoma, CA

Amy Proctor, Fleming, OH

Steve Howe, Torrey, UT

Bonita Tamaki, Dayton, OH

Deborah Cox, Charlottesville, VA

Care McMillan, Cotati, CA

Christine Berta, Magnolia, DE

Wendy Shelley, Minneapolis, MN

Joan Milford, Mansfield, TX

Angie Richards, Worcester, UK

Danno Gasbarro, Appleton, WI

Lisa M. Wheeler, Long Beach, MS

Gerard Brennan, Limerick, ME

Tara Coyote, Kapaa, HI

Brian Reynolds, Atlantic City, NJ

Eileen Stetter, Rochester, NY

Heather Brown, Berthoud, CO

Dr. Annie Harvilicz, Marina del Rey, CA

Charmian Fletcher, Locust Grove, VA

Helen Lee, Nyack, NY

Judith Somerset, Mount Shasta, CA

Karen Nelson, Bishop, CA

Tammy Rogers, Eaton, OH

Janet H O’Brien, Brevard, NC

Phaedra Dresch, Hancock, MI

Susan LeJoy, Farmington, ME

Hannah L. Dominguez, Albuquerque, NM

Paula Purvis, Hallandale, FL

Maggi Jeffcoat, Aloha, OR

Susan Pavis, Jeannette, PA

Cheryl Ann, Santa Monica, CA

Janelle Ghiorso, Sonora, CA

Elizabeth Treadwell, Carmel, ME

Dianne Bengtson, Shelton, WA

Diana M. Tippit, Llano, CA

Barbara Ann Warner, Lebanon, KY

Linsay Little, Wausau, WI

Catalina Roller, Fresno, CA

Katherine Smith, St. Louis, MO

Merry Harsh, Silver City, NM

Cindy Lang, Thomaston, Maine

Regina Jordan, Cincinnati, OH

Rebecca Falk, Garden Plain, KS

Pamela Williams, San Diego, CA

Kim Bourne, Orangeville, ON

Gloria Tribe, New Plymouth, NZ

Cathy McKinney, Murfreesboro, TN

Susie Park, Long Beach, CA

Debrah Whitaker, Myrtle Beach, SC

Gina Luna, Apple Valley, CA

Lori Bryant, Pendleton, Oregon

Betty Baumgartner, WaKeeney, KS

Jen VanBuren, Ogden, UT

Mary Anne Palmer, Millbrae, CA

Jane Bicquette, Sherwood, OR

Karen Wolf, Baltimore, MD

Tanya Vudler Casale, Burlington, MD

Sharon Jane Smith, Evansville, IN

Blake Michael, Avondale Estates, GA

Carol Fickenscher, Mt. Holly, NJ

Denise E. Miller, Franklin, WI

Christina Paxton, Phoenix, AZ

Rod & Patricia Ridenhour, Fort Mills, SC

Kat Ridenhour, Kenner, LA

Kathy Simpson, Charlotte, NC

David Smith, Charlotte, NC

Molly Davidson, Charlotte, NC

Stacee Smith, Charlotte, NC

Erika Whitton, Irvine, CA

Kimerly Rock, Goodyear, AZ

Robyn Nickum, Pocatello, ID

Judith Conway, Silver Springs, NV

Christina Paxton, Phoenix, AZ

Sarah Gamble, Littlerock, CA

Kelli McGinley, San Jacinto, CA

Laurel Owen, Eureka Springs, AR

Mary E. Fernandez, East Taunton, MA

Pamela Green, Amelia, VA

Jean Tozar, Fincastle, VA

Linda Green, Avon Lake, OH

Tina Friedrich, Grasonville, MD

Elizabeth King, Colorado Springs, CO

Nik Chamberlain, Bismark, AR

Linda Granato, Philadelphia, PA

Devin Culberson, Gaylesville, AL

Michele Squires, Hockley, TX

Donna Renninger, Reading, PA

Robert Renninger, Reading, PA

Robin Nelson, Sheridan, IL

Victoria Smith, Madison Heights, VA

Judith Sheppard, Chandlers Ford, UK

Trish Chaney, Colorado Springs, CO

Sandra Harney, Homer Glen, IL

Tami Hottes, Pinckneyville, IL

Rose Peoples, Blairsville, GA

Suzanne Dunham, Janesville, WI

Gabriele Moritz, Livermore, CO

Christina Anderson, Springfield, OR

Marlina Williams, Pataskala, OH

Carol Jones, Topeka, KS

Debra Carrington, Lee, MA

Nancy Sikora, Darien, GA

Bonnie Langford, Plainfield, CT

Patricia Breitmaier, North Billerica, MA

Karen Elger, Bronson, FL

Linda Elms, Sanbornville, NH

Linda Click, Corsicana, TX

Tania Willard, Rockwood, ME

Sharon Ann DeLuca, Kingston, NY

Lucia M. Annunziata, Velley Stream, NY

Patrice Oberly, Womelsdorf, PA

Lois E. Crandall, Spokane, WA

Gail Smith, Glasgow, UK

Louise Sprot, Pine, CO

Brendan Gargan, Rhineck, NY

Deborah Cox, Charlottesville, VA

Kevyn Hind, Lookout, CA

Bree Thompson, Morrison, CO

Carrie Ann Whitehead, Wellsburg, WV

Anna Thomas, Fayetteville, AR

Katherine Smith, St. Louis, MO

Dawn Sherry, Livonia, NY

Karen M. Wanner, Hamburg, PA

Donna Goodnight, Fort Smith, AR

Linda Shockley, Wills Point, TX

Dawn Meyers, Chesterton, IN

Melinda Field Perlman, Greenview, CA

Tracy McPherson, Jacumba, CA

Jen Jennings, River Falls, WI

Jay Jennings, River Falls, WI

Anna Ciriacks, River Falls, WI

Laureen Rideout, Greeley, CO

Colleen Morrison, Prospect Heights, IL

Suzie Darr, Irving, TX

Debra Parker, Jacksonville, OR

Cecilia Short, Stanfrod, KY

Mary A. Weiler, Cincinnati, OH

Roberta Haas, Severance, CO

Dorinda Lambert, Bonney Lake, WA

Wendy Merrill, Bedford NH

Lisa Miller, Maricopa, AZ

Carl Thradher, Moore, OK

Patricia Towey, West Chester, PA

Julie Basse, Poway, CA

Michelle Storace, Danville, CA

Manuela Reid, Edgewood, NM

Lorna M Torrey Palermo, Sweet Home, PA

Phyllis Rocher, Montrose, CO

Collette Byrne Erickson, Craig, CO

Christine Centeno, Norco, CA

Thon Walker-Morrison, Norco CA

Mary Shabbott, Punta Gorda, FL

Wendy Peardot, Bloomington, MN

Betsy Stewart, Woburn, MA

Mary Enders, Gilbert, AZ

Tracy Baker, Gape Gerardeau, MO

Heidi Torres, Alpine, CA

Tim Crowell, Manitou Springs, CO

Penny Callaway, Klamath Falls, OR

Gregory S. Griffin, Shelbyville, IN

Jim Voris, Barrington, IL

Cindy Johnson, Missouri City, Texas

Jennifer Ochoa, Los Alamitos, CA

Diane C. Bailey, Garner, NC

Lorna Schaefer, Laveen, AZ

James Schaefer, Laveen, AZ

Pam Walters, Williams, OR

Amy B. Proctor, Fleming, OH

Patricia Payne, Benson, AZ

Lorraine Bucklan, Goldenrod, FL

Tamara C. Bock, Oostburg, WI

Ruth Schaut, Munising, MI

Marianne Salcedo, Port Deposit, MD

Cori Robertson, San Dimas, CA

Diane Craig, Beaverton, OR

Joyce Smith, Mt. Pleasant, UT

Elizabeth Peterson, Parker, CO

Dianne Schneider, Bedford, Wyoming

Jeanni Stewart, La Quinta, CA

Penny Bunnell, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Sharon Fox, Livermore, CA

David G. Davis, Bainbridge, GA

Priscilla Waggoner, Alamosa, CO

Mark Schneider, Bedford, WY

Peggy Rollie, Erhard, MN

Joyce Schorr, Kingston, MA

Rhonda R. Davis, Edwards, MO

Teresa Tyler, Welches, OR

Simone Seydoux, Ventura, CA

Betty L. Bender, Saginaw, MI

Bonnie Fowler, Illinois City, IL

Cheryl Lamb, Salem, NH

Deborah Ring, Radford, VA

Leslie Louisell, Fennville, MI

Rene Eyerly, Lompoc, CA

Adriana Carrico, Houston, TX

Robin Smith, Anchorage, AK

Megan Louise Sprot, Pine, CO

Christina Paxton, Phoenix, AZ

Elizabeth White, Bradenton, FL

Linda Holloran, Glenolden, PA

Shirley Chalmers, Spencer, MA

Ali Van Zee, Fort Bragg, CA

Juliet Hanlon, New York, NY

Sandra Pella, Toronto, ON

Jeanne Brown, Blue Lake, CA

Selena F. Akerley, Moorhead, MN

Joan Sadowski, Wilmington, MA

Mary Hirose, Hoffman Estates, IL

Nicola Golding, Melton Mowbray, UK

Jule O’Neal, Lowell, FL

Karin Vonk, Richland, GA

Erik Vonk, Longboat Key, FL

Jamie Mims, Richland, GA

Tami Nelson, Forest City, IA

Gail Blakely, Park City, MO

Tracy Hefner, Knoxville, TN

Mimi Morris, Florence, MT

Betty Webster, Roanoke, VA

Sue Renzello, Eureka, UT

Carrie Foster, Belton, TX

Elizabeth A. Jost, San Marcos, CA

Dallas Maurer, Drake, CO

Eileen Greenberg, North Hollywood, CA

Kristie Binks, Ogden, UT

Carol Salganik, Reisterstown, MD

Kim Nies, Antioch, CA

Nancy Aziz, Mission Viejo, CA

Alexa Aziz, Mission Viejo, CA

Gayle Delisio, Valparaiso, IN

Naomi Dunlap, Henderson, CO

Theresa Semona, Anderson, CA

Susan Gaddy, Wittmann, AZ

JoAnne Lingo, Murrieta, CA

Joan Wager, Berkeley, CA

Kate Murphy-Haber, Longmeadow, MA

Debra Caswell, Carrollton, GA

Laura R. DaSilva, Pembroke, MA

Priscilla Roberts, Signal Mountain, TN

Jana A. Tuckerman, Wakeman, OH

Crystal Schuh, Cedar Hill, TX

Susan Coelho, Hayward, CA

Larry Solanch, Seymour, CT

Maureta Ott, Pickerington, OH

Holly Jenkins, Flint Hill, VA

Rose Peoples, Blairsville, GA

Sarah J. Sanford, Kirkland, WA

Pal Lerma, Canon City, CO

Frances G. Miller, Lexington, KY

Rose Bailey, Fremont, MI

Marion Bennett, Perth, WA

Ron Stockwell, Eagle Point, OR

Tricia Morency, Forest Grove, OR

Andrew Hellyer, Forest Grove, OR

Stefanie Driver, Driftwood, TX

Maxine Ratzlaff, Las Cruces, NM

Sherry St. John, Monroe IA

Eileen Sherry, Salem OR

Sara Frease, Dayton, OH

Carol Jones, Topeka, KS

Donna Sellers, Newark, TX

Wendy Andri, Pembroke, ME

Scott Gibson, Albans, WV

Susan Stein, Layton, UT

Kevin Caldwell, Mission Viejo, CA

Bonnie Annis, Byrnedale, PA

Beth Redwood, Portland, OR

Jeannie Freitas Peterson, Creswell, OR

Pamela J. Clark, Redfield, AR

Judith Meldahl, Decatur, IL

Kelly Robbins, Farmsville, IL

Patty A. Previc Graham , Macon, GA

Jo Germano, Las Vegas, NV

Britta Helsa, Greensboro, NC

Audrey Wood, Cummington, MA

Lucy Violetta, Asheboro, NC

Christine Carroll, Dawsonville, GA

Linda Knypstra, Bellingham, WA

Vicki Ricupero, Pequea, PA

Ellen Kessler, Littleton, CO

Victoria Foster, Martinsville, VA

Louise Martin, Reno, NV

Maureen Farley Waff, Eugene, OR

Annette Williams, Niangua, MS

Erin Reed, Oakland, OR

Barb Cummins, Garden City, KS

Vonnie Greenwood, Burbank, CA

Christine Laughlin, Liberty, NC

Carrie Nelson, Minneapolis, MN

Sharon Steele, Boston, VA

Tish Hakola Conlin, Silverton, OR

Michelle Rouviere Wilson, Hookstown, PA

Maria Nagy, Tillamook, OR

Tammy Rogers, Eaton, OH

Lynno Dutton Cease, Goose Creek, SC

Patricia Staton, Rosharon, TX

Barbara Sunblade, Parker, CO

Nancy Allis, Centennial, CO

Dean Shamblen, Emerson, NE

Stanley Hutchison, Rio Vista, TX

Alison James, Sandy Hook, CT

Laura Dorr, Newton, CT

Patti Ferguson, Norman, OK

Robyn Persichette Gipp, Parker, CO

Elizabeth M. Blanchard, Port Haywood, VA

Randall Beatty, Newton, WI

Bo Tamaki, Dayton, OH

Susan Beck, Los Angeles, CA

Julia Pricella Armendariz Ferri, Dayton, TX

Jennifer Skiff, Mt. Desert, ME

Cheryl Schneck, Redding, CT

Rita Dvorack Atkinson, Paynesville, MN

Cathryn Palmer, Santa Cruz, CA

Tami Drake, Ashland, OR

Penny Jackson, Tallahassee, FL

Peggy Race, Whitewater, WI

Nancee Emerick, Gallup, NM

Bonnie Holmbo, Portland, OR

Bonnie McGahee, Santa Fe, NM

Shauna Sherick, Newbert, OR

Kathleen Martin-Mindak, St. Louis, MI

Lynn Conaster, Lillington, NC

Kristine Klees, Bend, OR

Valaree Smith, Santa Clarita, CA

Phyllis Caha Wray, Billings, MT

Mary Marjorie Sloan, Aurora, CO

Ann Bellwood, Simms, MT

Leslie Bellwood, Minneapolis, MN

Donna Brorein, Ball Ground, GA

Carol Coons, Prineville, OR

Renee Mulvaney, Pine, CO

Contact Marty Irby,

Animal Wellness Action: 202-821-5686 or

***HERE is the GOOD letter written by Erik Molvar....why didn't everyone just sign this one? Why did Marty Irby need to give BLM help? This was written before so yes everyone knew about it.

April 9, 2021

The Honorable Debra Haaland

Secretary of Interior

1849 C Street Northwest

Washington, DC 20240

Via email and first-class mail

Dear Secretary Haaland,

The following individuals and organizations advocate an elimination of livestock grazing on BLM Herd Management Areas (HMAs) in order to promote rapid progress toward Thriving Natural Ecological Balance (TNEB) (where it does not exist) and to facilitate maintenance of TNEB (where it already exists).

We believe that current livestock AUM allocations are severely biased against horse populations and other protected and native species on horse-occupied Bureau of Land Management (BLM) HMAs. We also believe that this bias has generated a severe excess in adverse livestock-grazing-associated impact within BLM HMAs that is inconsistent with both the letter and spirit of the 1971 Wild and Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act.

Specifically, we advocate:

• An immediate elimination of all cattle/sheep grazing on all horse-occupied BLM Herd Management Area (HMA) lands.

• Management of horses on all BLM HMAs to retain horse population sizes that will maintain TNEB (where TNEB already exists) or promote rapid progress toward TNEB (where TNEB does not currently exist). Management should prioritize keeping horses on designated HMA lands, within ecological parameters that maintain or promote continued progress toward TNEB.

• Immediate commencement of a NEPA-conforming BLM Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment processes for all BLM Districts that have contained (both historically and currently) legally-demarcated horse-related BLM HMAs (pursuant to the 1971 Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act) to bring about the TNEB-associated outcomes articulated above.

• Preparation of a robust, broad-based scientific assessment of the baseline ecological conditions that have been adversely impacted by livestock grazing (and associated infrastructure) to serve as the basis for determination of sustainable wild horse numbers and use, and for determining HMA restoration/recovery/sustainability actions.

Addressing livestock-induced ecological problems within BLM Herd Management Areas would potentially restore the ability of these lands to sequester carbon, help climate stabilization efforts, and also address biodiversity issues. If successfully implemented (and augmented further through permanent protection), such an initiative may qualify wild horse HMAs for inclusion in the 30x30 effort. We would welcome further discussion of these ideas with you and/or members of your team at Interior, and look forward to your response.

Respectfully yours,

Erik Molvar on behalf of

Western Watersheds Project

P.O. Box 1770

Hailey, ID 83333

(organizations who signed)

Western Watersheds Project * Wildlands Defense * WildEarth Guardians * The Cloud Foundation Wasteful Unreasonable Use * Coloradans Against Horse Slaughter * The Daily Pitchfork * Living Images Friends of Animals * Wild Horse Education * In Defense of Animals * Kimerlee Curyl Fine Art Animal Wellness Action * American Horse Protection Society * Center for a Humane Economy Sequoia ForestKeeper * High Noon Horse Farm * Central Oregon Wild Horse Coalition * Fleet of Angels Wyoming Untrapped * Animal Wellness Foundation * Mary Hone Fine Art * Yellowstone to Uintas Connection Horses for Life Foundation * League of Humane Voters * Equine Rescue and Adoption Foundation Western Wildlife Conservancy * Safe Haven Equine Warriors * Sand Wash Advocate Team Equine Collaborative International * Running Horses Studio * Colorado Wolf Alliance * Rob Lee Photography Stop Wild Horse Roundups Coalition * Water for Western Wildlife ENI * World Park Educational Institute Western Montana Equine Rescue * Wyoming Mustang Institute * Sandy Sharkey Photography * Al Hone Fine Art Skydog Sanctuary * WindDancer Foundation * Predator Defense * Citizens for a Humane Los Angeles Grazing Reform Project * The Two Suite Ltd. * Love Wild Horses * American Equine Awareness Friends of Animals * Native American Church of the Ghostdancers * Wild Equid League of Colorado Alliance for the Wild Rockies * Conservation Congress * Lynne Pomeranz Photographer * Wild Horse Tourist Wild Horse Photography Collective * Chief’s Old Friend Inc. * Wager Counseling * Habitat for Horses Horses Happily Ever After * Equine Advocates * John Muir Project * Animals’ Angels * Carter Reservoir Mustangs Northern Colorado Wild Horse & Burro Partners * Devils Garden Wild Horse Emergency Rescue Larimer Co. Horsemens’ Assoc./BCHA * Wild Mustang Community * Serengeti Foundation * Adobe Mtn. Equine Friends of the Bitterroot * Gila Herd Foundation of Arizona

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