The icon of American freedom
Once soared the skies
In numbers too big to count
But that is all changed now
Much of their land has been taken
By those claiming ‘progress’
But for the eagle
It just means homelessness
Their food is now scarce
Poisoned by pesticides
Or killed by development
Again because of ‘progress’
How can they survive
Against the human machine
Of self preservation
That propels us to build a world of steel
Where little else has value
How can we treat our national symbol
With such disdain
We have lost our connection
To Mother Earth
For the eagle this means a battle
Of life and death
Against an unseen enemy
That hides its true intentions
Who will win in a war of no winners
If we lose the eagle
We lose ourselves as well
We just don’t see
How our fates are intertwined
Every little eaglet
Brings hope for the future
They don’t know how bleak we have made it
Only time will tell
If we all will still have a home on Mother Earth
- Staci-lee Sherwood
Also published on Fevers of the mind on November 28, 2022
Also published on Amazon Music. Apple podcasts. Tunein & Spotify as spoken word by All About Animals Radio
**Also published as spoken word w/a great video -
Also as part of All About Animals radio their new series of animal poetry to listen click here