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Welcome to my blog where fraud, lies and corruption are uncovered wherever they hide. Government, non-profits, media and corporations have many secrets and this is where they are exposed. This is where people go for the truth. There is a real need for more watchdog groups. Check out the Resources & Links page for links to find your federal reps, government agencies and other websites packed with important information. The About page has links to some of the testimony and interviews I've given over the years. It's not all bad news I do highlight people and organizations that genuinely contribute to the greater good and deserve recognition.

Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 23, 20229 min read
Wild Horse groups push to update 1971 law which has never been enforced…why now?
By Staci-lee Sherwood In 1971 the Wild Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act was passed. This was designed to guarantee all wild horses and...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 27, 20225 min read
EV mania – do electric cars really live up to the promise of clean green tech?
By Staci-lee Sherwood In September 2022 the California Governor Gavin Newsom said the unthinkable, that he wanted the state to have gas...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 4, 202214 min read
Oil addiction will be our demise – is 'green' tech green (pt 4/4)
By Staci-lee Sherwood Over the years there have been hundreds of studies, documentaries and articles put out warning of the train wreck...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 3, 202213 min read
Oil addiction will be our demise - paying the price (pt 3/4)
By Staci-lee Sherwood Nothing in life is free everything has a price. For the modern world the price of oil comes in many forms. Many...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 2, 202211 min read
Oil addiction will be our demise – spills and lawsuits (pt 2/4)
By Staci-lee Sherwood If the media were to report on every spill, leak and accident that occurred in real time, they would need a...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Aug 27, 202210 min read
Oil addiction will be our demise - 50 years of warnings (pt 1/4)
By Staci-lee Sherwood In 1859 the first successful well was drilled in Titusville, PA. Col. Edwin Drake had made a remarkable discovery,...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Aug 8, 20223 min read
Climate IS a homeland security issue for every country
By Staci-lee Sherwood In 2008 the US House of Representatives held a joint hearing for the SELECT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY INDEPENDENCE AND...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Jun 4, 20228 min read
The new emerging phenomenon of the eco refugee
By Staci-lee Sherwood Climate change, climate denial, global warming, global cooling. Call it what you want the planet is shouting at...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Mar 22, 20225 min read
Seashells, a warming ocean and a bleak prediction for the future of marine life
By Staci-lee Sherwood Years ago strolling along the beach often meant collecting sea shells that had washed up on the shoreline. This...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Mar 3, 202213 min read
Buying the media: when facts are traded to the highest bidder
By Staci-lee Sherwood Public perception of media has changed over the years but one thing has stayed constant, the assumption and hope...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Dec 28, 20219 min read
Scientists are not activists - the glaring difference between Science and Scientists
By Staci-lee Sherwood Most people confuse science with scientist and it’s an easy jump to make. Science at its core is simple and pure. ...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Dec 20, 202119 min read
Wild horse birth control or sterility? Tainted horse groups push for drugs amid warnings
By Staci-lee Sherwood Wild horses don’t need birth control (but we humans sure do). A prime example of a species that is vastly over...
1,792 views11 comments

Staci-lee Sherwood
Dec 3, 202110 min read
The Timberline Wolf pack: centuries of hatred and persecution led to wolf pups unjust death
By Staci-lee Sherwood The history of wolves is a long sordid one. For centuries wolves have been vilified by the Catholic church and...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Nov 21, 202115 min read
Madmen of the prairie: making millions killing America’s wild horses & burros
By Staci-lee Sherwood The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is often referred to as the most corrupted of the agencies that fall under the...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Nov 5, 202110 min read
Grazed to death : How the Livestock Grazing program on public lands cause dead zones & extinctions
By Staci-lee Sherwood For most Americans getting dinner means going shopping at the market or calling in a takeout order. Few have any...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 11, 20215 min read
Grand Canyon park officials angered as public learns of Bison trophy hunts inside park
By Staci-lee Sherwood Shortly after posting my article about the decision to allow outside hunters into the Grand Canyon National Park...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Oct 8, 20216 min read
You can criticize Secretary Haaland & still be ‘woke’ and if you care about wildlife you need to
By Staci-lee Sherwood Bad policy is bad policy regardless of skin color. The fact that during her Senate confirmation hearing it was...
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Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 20, 20218 min read
The Wild Horse Roundups
Inside America’s most rogue federal agency the Bureau of Land Management Photo credit: Wild Horse Education of the Antelope...
1,135 views0 comments

Staci-lee Sherwood
Sep 9, 20215 min read
EXPOSED : Interior Sec Deb Haaland increases wolf killing, deadly wild horse roundups and hunting
By Staci-lee Sherwood Over the past four years there had been an epidemic of laws repealed by the Trump administration that were designed...
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